Tarpon fishing – Bowing to the King

Tarpon fishing – Bowing to the King

Local Fishing By Thomas R. Dempsey, M.D. CCI

That time of the year is here for the fly fisherman to fill his bucket list of species with a silver king.The tarpon migration that circles from the tip of Florida,up the Florida west coast,along the gulf coast, down thru Mexico and central America and back over to Florida  offers the angler a chance to catch a fish that less than one half of one precent off fly fisherman have done. But don’t despair,persistence  can reward you with a real trophy.                                                                                                                             

Beginning around the middle of May, hundreds of tarpon make their annual migration thru the shallow waters just off of the beach around Carabelle Fla., a small fishing town straight south of Tallahassee, 30 miles east of Appalachacola. This ritual lasts until mid-August and then is gone until it starts all over again next year. The water depth and clarity is perfect for sight casting for the silver king. Make no mistake,it is not a gimme. Everything can be ideal and the fish still may not bite.  

Tarpon fishing requires one to be proficient with a “saltwater quick cast” So what is a “saltwater quick cast” ? Simple, just what it says,a quick cast on saltwater. Going a little deeper, the salt water quick cast has three components:

1. Line management [controlling the fly line on the deck of the boat] .

2. Keeping your eyes always on the fish.

3. Delivering the fly as quickly as possible to the target.                                           

Some key points in preparation for fishing for tarpon from the deck of a flats boat will  help you be more successful in your quest. First make sure the deck is clear of anything that will hang up your line. Second, throw a clearly cast. This will establish an agreed upon distance that you and your guide can reference. Finally, direction, “3 o’clock RIGHT“, “9 o’clock LEFT” and “12 o’clock STRAIGHT AHEAD“. I have seen too many anglers look LEFT when I said 3 o’clock. Adding ‘right’ or ‘left’ simplifies the direction problem.                                                                

Tackle is a guide and angler preference ,but whatever you fish with,10wt. 11wt,or whatever, PRACTICE with the equipment you intend to fish with. Too many fisherman who have been using light gear all year long can’t understand why they have trouble with tarpon rods and heavy tackle. Many fishermen use this type of gear only once or twice a year. No wonder it is difficult! You are paying big bucks to fish, spend a little on a tune-up lesson on how to handle a heavier for and fly. And remember, LISTEN to your guide!

P.S. Wear your self-inflating life preserver especially if you fish at night and alone.  

Spanish on a Fly

Spanish on a Fly

Local Fishing By Thomas R. Dempsey, M.D. CCI

There is no greater thrill than casting to fish busting the surface, cutting back and forth, hammering your fly.When the weather turns hot fly fishing for Spanish Mackerel gets hotter. These guys are willing takers to small bait fish patterns such as #8 Clousers and similar size streamers. Most any color will work although white seems to be more predictable.Since mackerel  have sharp teeth,make sure you have a supply of fine tieable wire.

On point, if you are getting refusals, you might down the wire size. Mackerel have great eyesight, just check out the size of those eyes. I like an 8wt with a 9wt floating line. The oversizing helps deliver a quicker cast. Some of the speciality lines like Rio Outbound are perfect for the quick cast. Strip as fast as you can. This gets the fish revved up big time. Schools of spanish mackerel are often marked by birds diving into the pack of fish churning up the surface.You can follow the school until you wear out your casting machine.

If you have never eaten fresh spanish you have missed out on a culinary delight. Carefully fillet the fish leaving no skin and then cut out the mid blood line. What’s left is a tasty meal fried, grilled,or blackened, as mild a fish as you could want.

Black Drum on a Fly

Black Drum on a Fly

Local Fishing By Thomas R. Dempsey, M.D. CCI

Black drum,  a cousin of the red drum,  is not of the same kinship when it comes to fly fishing for these guys. They can be the most frustrating of all species when it comes to hitting a fly. Found in large numbers in the gulf waters,  the black drum can reach huge proportions,  feeding on crustaceans and other hard bodied shellfish. A fully grown black drum can consume 2 commercially-sized oysters for each kilogram he weighs; meaning an adult black drum can eat up to 40 oysters a day,  and it is easy to see how they can do some real damage to the oyster industry!

So,  how can we snag one on a fly? Tech,  some skill,  and some luck. Skill and technique requires you to “feed” the fish. This means you need to literally put the fly on his nose so he expends the minimal amount of energy to eat it. Usually you see them slowly coasting in a pod. Forget these guys – they are on a mission and seldom eat. Instead,  pick off the singles or better yet the ones with their head down and fan tail waving in the breeze. They seem to like muted colors,  greens and brown. Crab patters on 4/0 hooks with 30# tippet and at least an 8wt. rod. The fight is usually anti-climatic when compared to the size of these big boys,  often requiring you jump out of the boat and “walk-em down.”

The little ones,  4-8 pounds,  are good to eat if you have a chain saw to filet them. Let the big ones go. All in all,  a great challenge for the fly fisherman.

Redfishing Tips: “Alabama Bonefishing”

Redfishing Tips: “Alabama Bonefishing”

Instruction/Local Fishing By Thomas R. Dempsey, M.D. CCI

Pegged “The hardest fish I ever tried to catch on a fly,” by one of the world’s most successful tarpon fisherman, the redfish has taken its place at the top of the pyramid for fish sought out for site casting. 
Chasing redfish in the marshes on the Gulf Coast is as challenging as fishing for bonefish in Mexico.

It is often been said that a redfish will eat any color as long as it’s gold. However, hardcore redfishermen agree it is not the color of the fly, but where the fly is delivered. Thus comes up the point of how to put the fly so the redfish will eat.

Let’s discuss flats boat fishing for the sake of technique and limit our discussion to fishing from the deck. This is the best way to cover lots of marsh.

First you have to have the right gun before you can pull the trigger. A 9-foot tip flex rod can cover the requirements for distance, speed, and accuracy. Although there are some very successful redfish anglers who throw an 8 ½ foot rod, the 9 foot in my opinion is more versatile.

If you are going to throw a rod all day it makes sense to use the lightest to get the job done. An 8 weight is up to the task and can easily handle a 40 pound red.

A floating line with some meat in the head for a quick delivery and taper toward the convex side to throw that monster fly. Some of the new lines by Rio and S.A. fill the bill perfectly. They are even labeled redfish lines. How about that? The S.A. Outbound is like a shooting head and is a good one for the reds.

Leaders need to be short, quick, and capable of turning over big flies. A 7 ½ foot tapered 20 pound mono is the leader of choice. Fluoro in my opinion is a waste of money. I personally like a 5 foot piece of straight 20 or 25 pound mono. Quick to turn over, cheap and no knots. What happened to the 60-20-20 rule?

Flies can go down or stay up. Look at a redfish’s face, he is always looking down. Flies that sink and end up in the feeding water column offer the best success. Walk on the wild side, poppers can pull that red off the bottom in a New York second.

One important issue regarding flies. I like a big hook with a wide gap and a needle point a.k.a. Owner or Gamakatsu 4/0. Why? The big hook for big fish lessens the chance of pull out. The wide gap is to get around the jaw bone.

The needle point for precise penetration is often overlooked. Hooks sharpened on three sides, cut on those three sides and that wallowing redfish can wallow that hook, cutting a hole allowing the unbutton experience. Colors? gold, gold and gaudy. Seriously, any color fly in the right spot works. Redfish will hit a beer can if it is in the strike zone. Remember, you cannot tie a fly so big a redfish cannot eat it. The bigger the better, providing you can cast it.

Where to Hunt
Redfish like a home where there are a few shells on the bottom and some sand or grass. Very seldom do they hangout on flats without some cover or camouflage. You know you are in redfish territory when you see their buddies, skates, rays and sheephead. They hang together.

Blowouts are redfish footprints, distinctive puffs of silt raised when the fish moves out. The redfish blowout is identified by a large burst of sand and silt followed by a smooth trail and a large ‘V’-shaped push in the water. 
The skate and ray will also blowout, but the intermittent puffs created by the flapping of his wings serves to differentiate the ray blowout trail from the redfish. Good to remember this. 

Now that you have an idea of what to use, how do you use it?

The saltwater quick cast was invented for the redfisherman. But the modern version of this cast is the reflex cast. No time to ponder loop formation, just put it on the fish. While you admire your false casting, that redfish is moving along. I’ve seen redfish blow off at 40 yards, spooked by the mear lifting of your arm. There are these distinct “lies” for shallow water redfish, the laid up fish, the tailers, and the cruising red. Each requires a different tactic.

The laid up fish can be the most difficult to catch. They sit and ponder often refusing presentations that literally roll off their nose. That being said, you must put the fly on his snout, twitch ever so slowly with a very short 2-3 inch strip. No take, repeat step 1 again and again. Don’t get wigged out if he moves on, he’s got other interest. 
Tailers are what we read about and see in all the promo literature. These guys want to eat—so serve them up. Often in pods, pick off the guys on the periphery first and work towards the center. They are doing what redfish do, rooting and eating, and asking to be caught.

Cruising fish are the challenge. That is when the reflex cast comes out. The cruising fish is on a mission. An opportunistic feeder, he will go for the fly if it is put in his vision or strike zone. Remember, the redfish is looking down so a cast that gets in his grill is a temptation. This often means casting 10-15 feet in front of the fish letting it rest on the bottom until he gets there, then strip, bump, strip, bump in a 4-6 inch moves. Error on a cast farther ahead of the cruising fish. Short cast and you risk lining the fish. Redfish do not like line on their backs. Hit them in the head or tail but don’t line them. If you do, just let him swim out from under the line. Don’t tickle his back by stripping the line. Use the 10 foot rule. If you see a fish, cast and miss him and he disappears, he’s still moving. Cast 10 feet to each side of where you last saw him. There is a good chance he is close by.

Hooking the redfish requires some patience and technique. If the fish’s path crosses your fly, watch his head. When he turns on the fly let him have it. Many anglers jerk the rod up, out comes the fly. This bad boy requires a strip set. Tease him along with a short bump of 2 to 4 inches and when the fly disappears you know where it is. You have been waiting to set the hook, have at it. If he spits it ,the strip set provides you with a mulligan. He’ll often follow the fly all the way to the boat if you feed him correctly. What I am saying is if you don’t hook-up on the first strip, leave the fly in front of him and work it. Don’t recast unless the fish has moved away from the fly.

Set the hook and set it hard. He’s got a big hard mouth and a jawbone that requires that wide gap hook. The first run is often straight toward the boat. That is when most fish are lost for not setting the hook hard. In fact I tell my students to hit him hard at least there good times. No wimps here. Now  sit back and let him run. On the flats often there is no structure to cut you off so no matter how big he is, if you have a good hook set, you will probably land him.

Remember, be kind. Use a net or boga grip and send him back to mama.

Red Snapper on a Fly

Red Snapper on a Fly

Instruction By Thomas R. Dempsey, M.D. CCI

Red snapper season isn’t just for the “conventional” fisherman. Snapper will readily take a fly down below or on top. Deep sinking lines will make sure you get in the feeding water column without drifting off the target spot. Chumming will get them on top for the sight cast. Most any type and color streamer works. BIG hooks for these fighters – I like a 5/0 to 7/0 Owner slight off set to prevent gut-hooking. After all, most are going to be set free. A stout rod 11 to 13wt with 40 to 60 lb leader 5 to7 ft. Often times there are other guys mixed with the snapper, most commonly, triggers. If you are getting hits but no hook-ups, assume they are trigger fish. Their mouths are small so downsize to a 1/0 or 2/0.