Fishing Victor, Idaho
By Thomas R. Dempsey, M.D. CCI

Had an opportunity to try some trout around Victor, Idaho with my good friend and fishing partner Dino Frangos. Located about 18 miles from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Victor is a stones throw to numerous ponds, streams and rivers that get far less fishing pressure that some of the big boys in that area. With his “new” drift boat we took off to the Teton River. After surveying the water for inviting rises we rigged up with 5x tippet topped off with a blue winged olive and started the float. Each rise was an invitation to see who was home. We caught cut throat, white fish, a few rainbow and lots of brook trout. It was interesting that the brook trout almost always hit nymphs or wet flies when the other guys were picky to say the least even with the dries.
The following day we waded Fox creek, lots of brook trout with the same deal on wet flies and nymphs. That was the day we got in a snow storm on the river. Great to see tat take out through iced over foggy glasses and frozen hands, but the river was spectacular in the snow.
The biggest and best fish were caught on dries on the ponds around the golf course. I still believe that extra club in your golf bag should be a fly rod. That day it was true. These ponds were loaded with big, fat rainbows looking for something floating up top. In fact I had to step up to 3x to avoid losing of my fishing partners supply. Nothing more exciting than seeing that hit on top water. With the Teton mountains as a background, there is not a more picturesque spot in the west to enjoy the outdoors and there is no better way than standing in a trout stream swinging a rod. We were also treated to an entire moose family watching us drift by on the Teton.
It makes you appreciate the outdoors and the wildlife when you visit such a special place. The people all seem to be happy, the fish too. I just want to thank them for letting us net a few.